Praying that this,
is that new door I was talking about back in July of 2014, seven long years ago.
Here is a little boots on the ground view...
In this video, I'm in the 14 acres, and looking at the pasture that has been, and is being grazed by the cattle for the last several days. They were fenced out of it for about seven weeks to allow the forage to really grow, but then, since the gully fence that I rigged up, was not electrified, or "hot", they eventually slipped in right underneath it. Which was actually well timed, since the pasture was ready to graze. The clovers were Beautiful, and the Tall Fescue was just at that right stage before seed head. Also now, we can start planning the go in there with a cycle mower and raise it up several inches and clip down those remaining weeds like all of that Meadow Foxtail, and the Butterweed, that the cows were smart enough to leave alone.