When Jesus was asked by the Pharisees, "which is the greatest Commandment in the Law?" The Lord Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your strength, and with all your mind. This is the first, and greatest Commandment. And a second, is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." -Matthew 22: 36-40
The Lord gave an answer with a hinge on it. There is a vertical aspect, and a horizontal aspect in His answer. In our understanding of our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and our relationship to our neighbors. You will find it very hard to truly love the Lord, and at the same time hate your neighbor. You might also discover, or ask yourself, 'if I feel the way I do about my neighbor, ...then, do I truly love God? And do I love Him because of who He is, and not simply for what he offers me?' And you would be right in asking that.
The Lord gave an answer with a hinge on it. There is a vertical aspect, and a horizontal aspect in His answer. In our understanding of our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and our relationship to our neighbors. You will find it very hard to truly love the Lord, and at the same time hate your neighbor. You might also discover, or ask yourself, 'if I feel the way I do about my neighbor, ...then, do I truly love God? And do I love Him because of who He is, and not simply for what he offers me?' And you would be right in asking that.
In the words of John the Apostle, "Light has come into the world, and the darkness has not overcome it." Darkness cannot reside with the light. When we see, and know that God, who is Perfect Love, and Perfect Righteousness and the Perfect Judge, and Perfect Joy, and that He gives us all good things, because of who He is... running ahead of us, to prepare all of these wonderful gifts for us. And that He has given us a Perfect salvation, by the Perfect sacrifice. That is when we realize that to receive His Love, and gifts, is to love Him in return. Here is the important part that we MUST know, and remember. That our gain with Christ, is not because of who we are, or what we have done. But because of who He is. That we are His! And that it's His perfect Will. "His Good, Pleasing, and Perfect Will." And we know that our love for Him, does not come from ourselves, but is itself, a gift from the Holy Spirit! Knowing all of this, and having it transform us, is when we can truly love our neighbor. When we and our "self love" as Martin Luther has written about, is no longer part of the equation, we are free to love, both God, and our neighbor!
Ravi Zacharias has stated that "...Christ had reduced the Commandments down to the two most important, and the two that "on them depend all of the Law, and the Prophets.". Ravi has asked, if we had to reduce those two down to one word "...do you know what that word would be?" the answer, he says is "Sacred, because your life is sacred, your time is sacred, your worship is sacred, your giving is sacred, your property is sacred ...and so is your neighbors!"
Where does the idea of Sacred come from you might ask? From non-other, than the Author of Life, and the one who made everything. The very reason there is something rather than nothing. The Gospel of John, Chapter one, again beautifully tells us in four simple words. "In Him was life." If we pause and consider that statement for just a bit, we come to the knowledge of Who's we are!
"In Him was life, and that life was the light of men." John 1:4